Friday, January 11, 2019

What To Know About The Roof Inspection Process

What You Need To Know
Lack of maintenance is often the cause of many roof problems. Scheduling periodic inspections is the responsibility of building owners. These inspections can be visual or performed with special equipment, and they bring the following benefits:
·        Increasing roof lifetime, resulting in consistent savings
A roof maintenance program, along with its accurate design, execution and installation, can add many years to its lifespan. For example the 15-year expected lifetime of a PVC or TPO membrane roof can become even 30 years.
·        Reducing heating and cooling costs by detecting ineffective thermo insulation and taking the necessary measures
·        Optimizing the cost of the roof repair
·        Avoiding any problems caused by water infiltration, which implies unpredictable costs of repairing interior finishes, furniture and equipment, objects affected by moisture etc.
·        Increasing the quality of the indoor environment
Water infiltrated into the structure of the roof can lead to the apparition of mildew and mold.
·        Eliminating the risk of structural degradation of the roof

Roof elements that are inspected every time include
·        Gutters and downspouts
·        Attic windows
·        Screw assemblies
·        Sealing elements
·        Chimneys and other penetrations
·        The wooden structure of the roof

Keep in mind that unlike a car, which makes dubious noises when it does not work well, the roof will not announce you it has a problem until very late. It was always been harder and more expensive to repair than to maintain, so make sure to schedule your annual inspections with C & S Roofing on time.