Friday, December 28, 2018

Tips for Protecting Your Roof Against Wind Damage

Inspect Roof To Protect It From Wind Damage
Wind damage causes millions of dollars of damage in roofs throughout the country. As hurricanes and major storms are becoming increasingly frequent even in areas that used to be safe from such extreme weather events, property owners are paying more attention to protecting their properties, especially their roofs against storm damage – here are some of the most common protection measures available:
-        Thorough inspection, followed by repairs – the process starts with cleaning the entire roof area as well as the adjacent parts, such as the gutters. The roof is then inspected inch by inch by a professional roof repair Omaha contractor to identify any weak points and faults, any parts that do not fit properly or have been damaged and are likely to be torn off by the next storm and in the final phase all the issues identified during the inspection are addressed to fortify the roof;
-        Landscape adjustments – storms damage roofs not only by ripping off loose or damaged covering components, but also by tearing off tree limbs and dropping them on the roof. The best way to avoid the issue is to cut off any branches that overhang the roof;
-        Techniques for stronger fastening – there are various methods, such as special roof harnesses and brackets, that can be used for fixing the roof more tightly to the walls of the building.